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Thursday 17 July 2014

A post about my love for cooking

I would like to make this post about food, just to inform the world of my ability of mixing things up and creating deliciousness on a plate! I'm a bit of a princess and I love to be fed by my friends and boyfriend (who btw, can cook up a major storm in the kitchen ... most of the time, better than I do ... BUT NOT WHEN IT COMES TO MALAYSIAN FOOD OK) but right now, I'd like to share the creations that I have made for e'rrbody whilst here in Glasgow (because I only ignited the cooking flame when I moved outta Malaysia lulz) to justify my skills (I actually just want to keep a diary of the food I cooked k).

How I wish I could deem myself worthy of being called a MasterChef but alas, I am merely an overly enthusiastic and passionate "housewife" who likes to throw things into a pot, make it look pretty and then serve it to people ... but at least I'm good at it! Hehe.

Let's begin with my list of successful dishes that I've potentially mastered and can remember by heart (sorta). So, here you go!


1) Chicken rice : Following my mother's delicious homemade recipe! I've made this thrice and all times it turned out real goooohhhdddd.

2) Lontong and soto : Ok this one needs a bit of work. I botched the nasi impit and the lontong was a bit thicker than expected, but it turned out pretty ok ... satisfactory in my opinion. Next time I attempt this, I will cook for less people so that I can properly understand how to cook it (just like my maid's!).

3) Honey roasted chicken wings, seasoned mashed potatoes and vegetables : This one was honestly improvised completely with the ingredients in my kitchen. I wanted something similar to the chicken wings that we could get back home from the usual Chinese-uncle tepi jalan with BBQ truck and it turned out to be something more westernized than Chinese. Hahaha. It's good though! Hee Eun loves it and wants to sell it to people LOL. The gravy is super yum!

4) Nasi Briyani and Lamb Rendang : Also a success! Feel like having this now.

5) Nasi lemak with Pandan Chicken : Okay even though this is super easy to make, I'm super proud of myself for knowing how to make everything. Other than the impromptu kacang and ikan bilis combo I made, everything was authentic and SAH GOOD. Especially the fried tempeh. I NEED TO MAKE MORE. I MISS IT. The pandan chicken was a major success too! Gianluca said it was a completely new flavour for him.

6) Tacos : Hahaha Tacos are really easy to make but people always think it's super complicated. Nooohhhh it's not. I just wanted to add this in because I miss having tacos in my house in SJ and it reminds me of my mom who is like a super taco fanatic.

7) Sushi : I taught myself how to make sushi! Truth be told, the ingredients were not similar to the ones we can get back in Asia, but the food turned out pretty yummy. Now, I know how to roll sushi and I know damn well how to make rice without a rice cooker and without burning it!

8) Onion soup : I taught myself how to make french onion soup! It's so easy and healthy.

9) Teriyaki Chicken : This one was super successful! I'm so damn proud! Haha. I woke up one morning and decided "I'mma cook me some chicken wings" and I googled for teriyaki sauce ingredients. Didn't know it was that easy to make the marinate! Anyway, again, Hee Eun (and this time, Eun Bin too) loved it and again, she wants to sell it hahahahaha. 

10) And finally, BUTTER CHICKEN! I followed the ingredients Akham sent me and voila! IT'S BEAUTIFUL AND DELICIOUS. I'm so happy that I know how to make it! It's seriously super simple to cook! I didn't realize how simple it was man. Gold Chilli really earns a lot for something that require minimal effort. And omg after learning this, so many cravings will be fulfilled like seriously wao.

So okay, these are the top 10 things I've learned to cook thus far! I'm planning to master assam laksa but finding ingredients here ain't easy man ... especially the fish! I have to be super wealthy to buy fish here CIS.

k end.

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