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Wednesday 17 September 2014

Life thus far

A year has finally flown by since I moved here to Glasgow to pursue my masters in design innovation. Where did all the time go?! Goddamn. It literally felt like I've been here for more than 5 years though. And now?! I have to search for a job?! And grow up?! And be an adult and shit?! Whyyyyy ... I wanna do nothing and sip coffee and eat cheese and sun tan all day err'day ... proper ideal life goals (or more like the dreams of a laid back spoiled  little brown girl).

A lot has happened since I last posted on my blorg (which was essentially a post solely dedicated to food that I know how to cook, which is somewhat cliche and typical coming from me), but the 3 most important things that have happened include traveling up north to see the best of Scotland, completing my dissertation and our Graduate Degree show (and in an hour's time, our well-deserved trip to Croatia! But I'll save that post for later).

So okay, let's start with our weekend getaway to Isle of Skye! 

If anyone ever has the idea of traveling in the UK, you have to, HAVE TO, go up to Isle of Skye (by car for added convenience! Don't even bother considering taking public transportation). It was seriously one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to, ever! I'm so glad Gian convinced me to go up with him, despite our small budget (even though, I have to remember that money shouldn't be a problem when you travel. BE CRAFTY AND MAKE IT WORK!). 

Anyway, we stayed in the nicest hostel called the Skywalker Hostel. The owner was really kind; he helped suggest the best route and option for us to see the best of Skye (since we were only there for 3 days and only had 1 full day to see most of the island). He's also funny and he refers to himself as extremely sexy because female midges loves to bit him due to his sexiness. The hostel itself was perfect! Comfy and clean beds, clean bathrooms, hot showers, large kitchen, beautiful garden ... whart more could you ask for eyh?! 

The day we arrived, the weather was absolutely perfect! It was warm, cloudy but there was still sun shining through. So the hostel garden just looked like something pulled out from the movies. So cute!

We had breakfast in the glass dome because ... why not?! Look at how pretty it is!

When you enter the hostel, you'd be greeted by Luke Skywalker! Haha. They have all kinds of these quirky and funny deco spread out around the hostel. Even in the loos! You can do a number 2 while reading about 100 facts of life! Super thumbs up.

So anyway, Skye is extremely gorgeous. One of the most beautiful landscapes ever! Especially when the sun hits the mountains on the right spots, it's really quite whimsical! Like we're in a prehistoric age or in Lord of the Rings. I'll put the photos up randomly cause I don't care much about rearranging them haha (also, the photos don't do justice to the actual scenery. Y'all gotta go there yourself tau!).

This was us in Quarring, which was an area where they found prehistoric fossils and footprints of animals from millions of years ago! Fact : vikings use to hide their weapons here by covering them in blankets of moss!

This was at the Fairy Pools! We walked for about 1 hours to reach the pools (and got attacked by midges on the way. They seemed to love Gian! Hehe). 

They call it the Fairy Pools because the rock formations around the river and waterfalls look like miniature structures that were potentially constructed by fairies! There were also pockets and gaps within the formations that allowed water to flow and circulate in, making it look like little spaces for fairies to swim in. Really coohl! Natural jacuzzi! Haha.

This was on top of Neist Point. Gian and I are so fit, no? Climbing mountains and shit, IN OUR CONVERSE SHOES (please don't consider us as role models. Buy trekking shoes). The view was stunning! We were so close to the edges of the cliffs! One wrong move and we would've been fish food.

That's the point we climbed! You can see how tiny the people are on top of the cliff, in comparison to Gian. Fact : Isle of Skye was once a giant volcano. What's left there now is just lava and crust! It use to be so tall that if you looked up from the inside, you wouldn't be able to find the mouth of the volcano!

This is Old Man of Storr. We need to go back there though because as we arrived, the rain came and pissed all over us (and because we're geniuses, wearing nothing but our coats and jeans, we were soaked). Lesson learned, invest in high-end equipment! Anyway, regardless of the rain, this particular scenery was so eery! I loved it. Like a horror scene from a movie.

Right after the rain, we sought for food and shelter and lord behold, SEAFOOD, FINALLY. We wanted to eat at the popular places but they were pretty snooty and told us to be off, since they were too busy. But after walking around Portree, we found this friendly family restaurant (which to our disappointment, did not have oysters but they had err'thang else k). The food was delicious! Looks like I finally found something Scottish that I sincerely enjoyed!

Also, since Skye is known for its fishing, we HAD to find oysters before we headed back to Glasgow and since the universe was on our side, we were directed towards the Oyster Shed which was literally 10 minutes drive away from our hostel. SO HAPPY we decided to stop by because not only did they have oysters, they also had crab claws and mussels (you can imagine my internal screaming right). Gian and I were like children in an ice cream shop! And eating seafood with such a wonderful view ... unforgettable! 

One of my favourite landscapes while driving. Something about the clouds in Scotland! They're so buttery against the blue sky.

This was an Talisker Bay, a volcanic beach! I really had fun climbing the rocks! Haha.

A common view here in Scotland; the ocean, beach, sheep, mountains sky. The rocks and sand are all black in colour because they were previously from the lava of the giant (now non-existent) volcano!

Just look at how beautiful and lush the greenery looks against the bright blue sky and when the sun shines! It's so surreal and magical! Can never get tired of such nature. 

Before we headed back to Glasgow, we stopped at Egol to see this view. Again, the photo doesn't do justice to what we saw with our own eyes. The colours were more subdued but vibrant! Gradients of purple against warm sandstone colours.

Of course, a photo with my love, on rocks covered completely of barnacles.

If you're in Scotland, I really urge you to make time to visit Isle of Skye. It's too beautiful to miss out! For sure, Gian and I will go up there again in the near future. We didn't see enough of the island! Maybe we'll go for a week next time so that we can take more time to experience all the landscapes. Super love! And was much needed after the submissions and deadlines. :)


I finally completed my dissertation and I can proudly say that, it's good bruh. Haha! Many people seem to like my simple concept and after all that hard work, I finally managed to earn the grade that I aimed for! Finally! Hats off to me yo. I know grades might seem important to some but, for me, it's just a personal achievement. At least I can see that what I've done has potential to educate and convince people, especially my stubborn (but sweet) lecturers hehe.

Here's what I designed, The Happener's Box; a box that helps you make things happen! I'm focusing on the re-appropriation of forgotten fabrics, its relationship with community empowerment and finding balance between community and authority (local government etc). In simpler words, how communities can help themselves to transform neglected spaces while at the same time, being friends with authority and not have too much trouble and delays like current situations.

This is the cover of my dissertation with my favourite color combo EVER. I think that this publication is one of the best things I've ever produced in my 5 years of studying, ever (for now at least). My graphics skills have improved immensely, but I'm still gonna try to be 10 times better than I am now. ALWAYS OPEN TO LEARNING! Anyway, if you want a soft copy, I can e-mail you one, or you can find me on ResearchGate and get a copy from there. :) Sharing is caring!

The Happener's Box consists of these things. Haha! Don't be disappointed ok, these are just prototypes. In my head, the books in the front would have all the knowledge you need to understand the processes of re-appropriation. It's suppose to be like the bible for transforming derelict spaces! The rest are most provocation tools, to get you to start thinking outside the box or instigate activities etc. Not much at the moment but, with further development, it could be something really useful!

I also designed a website (prototype) which basically shows how the online platform would roughly work. Didn't get to show it though during my presentation nor the exhibition, but it's still up and running if anyone wants to see! (

This is the poster I did for our exhibition which explains briefly what my project is. Click on the image to have a read! It basically guides you through the key points of my thesis. :) And by the way, this display also comes with its own ... 

ANIMATION! Haha, In case you want to understand it further, you can watch the animation I made explaining the user scenario. Can you believe I made this using Photoshop (and also Premier Pro but mostly Photoshop). I AM THE QUEEN OF PHOTOSHOP K. But still can learn more tbh. ;P

What y'all think? Worth traveling all the way to the UK for this masters? Methinks, yes.

To commemorate our completion of a year long masters, we had our own Graduate Degree show in the Reid Building. It was pretty nice! There were a lot of people and I received a lot of praise for my final project (and a good grade to top that off). I worked hard and for once, it paid off and I got the results I expected (K need to self-praise sikit hahaha I'm super proud of myself).

Here are some of my favourite photos from Opening Night! I really wish that my friends from KL could come by and see our work. It would've been great. My parents came after the opening though so that was a plus. Anyway, here you go.

Oh hai. Just awkwardly baring my unmentionables in front of my exhibit. Do you like my dress? It looks expensive but I can assure you that it was the cheapest thing ever hahaha. My whole outfit that night was a bargain and I'm sah proud of that lulz.

The Spice Girls, including our very special and wise tutor, Irene Bell! :) Really loved working with these girls during term 2! This is a perfect photo of us! 

2 kiasu girls with the animations. Unnie and I are basically sisters joined at the hip but with different genetics. From the start of the course til the end, we are side by side. We're even living together now. Hehehe.

This is what my exhibit looked like (without us posing in front of it haha). I'm happy to say that a lot of my cards were taken by people who were either interested in my work, or people who were just collecting cards because ... why not? Hahaha. Whatever ~ But yeah, cards and brochures were taken! Really happy about it.

A photo with my hairy monkey partner. Are we pretty? I think we are.

Super mege photo-bomb right behind me man! Hahaha. So creepy. 

The Meninis! My second family, residing in Padua, Italy. Hahaha.

I'm honestly not sure who took this photo FROM THE FRONT cause it hasn't turned up yet but this photo is pretty good regardless. Almost all the girls of MDes. :)

My favourite photo of the year! Not everyone managed to jump into the picture though but regardless, it's a very beautiful memory. I'm so happy to have met such a diverse and colourful bunch of people! I learned a lot from everyone I crossed paths with, and feel very lucky to have had this opportunity to work with them.

This is probably my favourite photo of the parents! They came by Glasgow (after visiting Isabel in Amsterdam) to see my exhibition. My dad was especially excited about it (everyone says its cause he adores his youngest daughter a bit too much, and I tend to agree) and he stole like 10+ of my business cards. So I suppose 1/10 of it went to my dad haha! But anyway, glad my parents liked what I did, and even the group projects, they really liked them. It was a risk to step out of architecture but at least I managed to make it work to my advantage! Now, I can't see myself doing anything else other than design.


So now, my adventure as a masters student has finally ended! I've gotten my grades and they're really good! I'm totally satisfied with the overall marks, but that also means that it's officially done. I'm unemployed, jobless ... everything ... you name it. Haha! But it's okay. For now, I'm okay with just resting, after a year of just stress, it's much needed. 

Anyway, gonna prepare to fly off to CROATIA! Can't wait to be on the beach, sleeping ... zzz. HEHE. SEAFOOD, CHEESE, HAM, WINE YAYYYYY! K bai.

P.S. Hoping for a YES for the Scottish Referendum tomorrow. Good luck Scotland! Hope you get independence! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there!!! I really enjoy reading your blog :)