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Friday 4 July 2014

Half a year later

Oh my Lord, it's already July! How did this even happen? I didn't even realize that the last time I wrote on my blorg was in April, like friggin' 2 months ago. So much has happened since then wao!

Anyway, I'm blorging now to distract myself from feeling so depressed about my thesis. Struggling to develop my work and struggling even more when having to speak to outsiders about my work. My tutor is on summer break and so I'm like a fish out of water (I shouldn't be depending on her but muthafucka I'm so stuck I don't even know whart to do D:). Okay enough ranting.

Whart has happened the passed 2 months? I need to re-cap too ohoho!

Okay so ya in May, I flew back to Malaysia for 2 weeks because I didn't want to waste a return ticket my parents bought for me last year. It was the only window of opportunity between term 2 and term 3 that I could take advantage of and so, balik kampung! The whole trip was dedicated to meeting up with people all day err'day, cafes and non-stop eating (and I don't exaggerate when I say non-stop).

My babies! Had the most wonderful sesi-gossip with my sweethearts when I was back. I miss listening to stories and being bitches about it with these 2 angels. :) I miss you girls!

I was lucky enough to go back at the same time as Jas (but she'll be there til like September or something bloody hell) and err'day I've been seeing this betch and gaining 10kgs eating everything in plain sight. But anyway it was great seeing my best friend again. I forget how it feels like to have someone who completely understands how you think; it's like our minds are so in sync with each other - instant transparency and bluetooth!

My beloved-est Nikki will be joining GSA this September! She'll be doing Architecture (hahahahahaha you gonna suffer like shit gurrrrrlll). I'm more than happy to see her again soon and even more happy that she'll be here to see my exhibition WHEEE! :D Congratulations my love.

Yvonne also came up from Singapore to see me! SO SWEET. And we of course ate like the pigs that we are. All the food on that table were meant for only the 3 of us. THE 3 OF US WOMEN. I managed to finish most of it! Hahaha. only about 5% left over which is pretty good (habislah cholesterol).

Of course, I also went out with waifu while back home and explored the many cafes that mushroomed all of a sudden in Subang. So cray! And look, the risotto is green! D8 Hope you're doing well at home my lubb!

Anyway, I'm super happy to be back in Glasgow now to be honest. I was so relieved to have my current life back, it was strange. I thought I'd want to stay in KL for longer than 2 weeks but seriously, 2 weeks was just too much. 

I wrote this after I got back from Malaysia but completely forgot to post it up! Whatever I was thinking about when I got back to Glasgow has not changed. Here's my opinion on KL after living away for a bit.


"For the pass few months, almost a year in fact, I've had the privilege and opportunity to stay in the UK to pursue a masters in a rather prestigious school, with the blessings and support of my parents who have worked so hard to send me overseas. I remember my mom use to say to me, "I don't think you'll ever come back to Malaysia once you leave".

Before this, I wasn't quite too sure as to why many of my more experienced friends, my sister and parents would try so hard to convince me that I would seriously refuse to move back to Malaysia once I've had the taste of freedom in another land. I was always like "... but c'mon, Malaysia is my home!!".

Yes, it is my home; it's where my family and old friends are. It's where all my favourite food, cafes and yumcha places are. But is that enough? Fortunately for me, I have an even better home over in Glasgow. I may be a bitch at times and complain constantly about how gloomy the weather is, or how dull as dishwater the food can be, but ... after returning to KL for more than a week ... I honestly really could't wait to go back to the UK. I don't want to stay here anymore. The UK isn't my cup of tea, just so you know, but the environment I've adapted to has somehow made me evolve in a positive manner.

I can't believe that just a little to a year since I left, I've grown so much and have learned so many things. I've met new people that care more for me than ones I've known for longer (and I'm talking years) here in KL (which in reality, sucks balls for me). And I really hate that my personality and character feels constraint when I'm home - I've grown so use to the open-mindedness of the environment in Glasgow that KL has become like a mental prison. Perhaps the community here unintentionally allowed me to flourish? I dunno.

I also strongly dislike the fact that I tend to slip back to my old habits when I'm home. Gossiping? Addiction to gadgets? Constantly observing others, trying to catch those observing me? Being affected by judgmental glances by people I don't even know nor care about?! Why? Who the fuck cares? Why the hell do I care? I'm starting to really loathe the environment in KL. It's a disease. I need to get out.

Lucky for me, I only stayed for 2 weeks and flew off Sunday morning. As much as I love my friends and family, the food, my comfy bed, but I'm sorry. I've moved on, I've grown, and I have too much more to learn from the world. I refuse to be stuck here. So this is for real, I don't intend on ever coming back for good."


K ANYWAY, came back to my new home and of course, I needed to start my work which was such a drag. Work has been so ... so ... ugh. Hahaha. I mean it's not bad really, and I've been doing good til today but I'm suddenly demotivated. It's just that time of the term.

^ this is basically whart I'm doing. Sorry for the very lol graphics. It was my lazy attempt at showing my lecturers my progress! Hahaha.


Other than work, I've been doing other stuff too! OH YEAH, I MOVED TO MY NEW FLAT. Hahaha. Completely forgot to mention that. I love this flat! It's so cute and comfy. It's a little old though but it's okay. As long as I have wifi and a space to do work on my laptop then I'm fine.

Anyway, photos will randomly be placed here of happenings within this month. Actually, there's a lot more photos and stuff but this post might be a tad too long and I'm really not in the best mental condition to be typing elaborately about past events (lulz sorry too much on my mind).

Check out our couch! It got a face lift! Haha. With zebra stripes and my animal pillows ohoho!

The highlight of this flat is our blue living room! So cute. And the natural light is pretty amazing! But it's kinda dark at night. D: Nohhhh.

And our little fire place that doesn't work so I light candles. Hahaha!

I did volunteer work at the Woodlands Community Garden in Glasgow for my thesis! I'm planning on going there a few times to make friends with the volunteers. It's a nice little space with lotsa vegetables!

The other day, a bunch of us went to the abandoned St Peter's seminary ... I don't really know why but I was pleasantly surprised! It acts as a pretty good case study for my thesis. The structure itself was pretty coohl and really postmodern. Kinda wish it wasn't abandoned though! You could do so much on this land!

Gianluca, posing with some of the colourful graffiti on site.

I climbed the most dangerous (non-existent) stairs ever to get this shot. My fear of falling reached an ultimate high at that moment (still not as bad as skiing though).

With the other 3 adventurers. :)

On other days, when the sun is out, I drop all work and just go sun-bathing. It's nice to people-watch! A great source of entertainment, especially when the locals are drunk or high on something hehe.

And we should really have more bbqs. I miss eating bbq-ed meat man I NEED IT NAO.

Eun Bin is under that jacket hahahaha. She's such a Korean, worrying about burning her face!

And of course, we went to Jupiter Artland last weekend. Super worth a visit! It was really fun to see the art pieces and sculptures! Also, rolling around on the grass of the hills in the photo above. Loved it!

Watch, as she romantically gazes upon donkeys. Yes. Donkeys.

Can we take a  moment to admire that alpaca's rather round rump?! It looks so sexy! It's popping its booty! Showing off its assets! I love it. I wanna have it.

We headed to Porty Beach nearby Edinburgh right after for a short visit and a cup of coffee! Didn't think that Scotland would have such pretty beaches! But it was cold, at least for me. Windy and cold. So I won't be in my bikini over at Porty Beach anytime soon (or never at all really).

OK I shan't bore you with anymore photos and nonsense. I bid you adieu with a photo of me and my luv ahakz. :)

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