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Monday 22 June 2015

Mid year shenanigans

Hi. I haven't disappeared. I've just been super busy lately! I have a bit of time to myself today before I'm off to the GSA Degree Show and Party (note; this blorg post was written over a period of days). :)

Also, please bear with me as I attempt to cram as much information and updates as I possibly can into this undeniably long post.

I honestly cannot believe that it's been almost 6 months of 2015 already! Where has the time gone? In a blink of an eye, I'll be 24, Qissu will be married, Jas will be an artist in Blizzard ... It's amazing how rapidly time as flying, which makes it easier for me to constantly remind myself to enjoy my life and not take it too seriously.

So, what's been happening lately eyh? The last I blorged was (regretfully) 2 months ago in April! So much has happened since then, it feels like it's almost the end of the year already.

Well, I'm currently working as a part time designer for a start-up company called Swipii. It's quite a big thing here and it's growing pretty well too (becoming more widespread in the UK and internationally in Europe and Asia), and yes ... I'm a 9-to-5 worker at the moment. Wouldn't say it's my ideal choice for a job (I'm too free-spirited to be confined to 4 walls! It's unnatural) but it's good for now, to gain experience, meet people and all that hoopla. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it so far and I'm pretty dedicated to my work, but I'd like to be set free eventually hahahaha (can't accept the 9-to-5 ideology).

Anyway, can't reveal too much of what I'm doing but my job involves a lot of designing on my laptop ... a lot. It's a pain sometimes cause I have to sit on my ass a lot (which I hate) but I try to keep active after work and weekends so it's aight! :) Personal projects to come too, hopefully!

This roughly explains Swipii right? Hehe. Made this graphic thinggy couple of weeks ago. This is as far as I go with revealing my work. Maybe I should start snapping photos at work! The octopus is adorbz though right!



I'm pretty much a Yelp enthusiast (and overall chirpy passionate foodie fanatic) at this point because I enjoy so much to attend Yelp events (or events I was invited to through Yelp) and find new activities to do through the platform. Here are a few I've gone to in the passed 2 months (arranged in no particular order because no, I'm not that organized:

1) Yelp Charity Event at Links of London

So a bunch of us ladies/Yelpers were invited to attend a charity event at Links of London in Princes Square in the city centre. We got a few glasses of fizz, we got to see their new jewelry collection, a bit of pampering here and there (in the form of manicures and hair styling), and best of all (and most fun) was that we got to try out the jewelry! Most jewelry were of like 18 karat gold etc so you can imagine the amount of money it would cost to actually purchase anything. Glad I got to pretend like I owned some gold bracelets though ;) 

It was such a nice night! The ladies at Link of London were fab and very helpful in explaining about certain designs and also briefly about the background and history of the jewelry shop. Enjoyed myself very much!

Here's a collection that I'm obsessed with. They're basically friendship bracelets for the working lady with a generous income. Here I am, chatting away with one of the beautiful staff members. We shared a similar tastes in jewelry and towards these bracelets!

The skull bracelet is my absolute favourite, and the one next to it is just so simple and reminds me of machine gun bullets which was a plus. I have bracelets like this which are worth 1pound and wouldn't live to last a year, but these gold plated beauts would last forever and I wish I could have 'em. D:

We later on headed over to Sugar Dumpling to have tasters of their Carribean menu of food and cocktails!

One of the many tray of tasters we got to try! Need to go back there with Gian. He was bummed he couldn't join (cause he ain't no Yelp Elite cis). 

My cocktail aka Reggae Rum which was refreshing and sweet, just the way I like it!

2) Grand Opening of Gusto Restaurant in Glasgow City Centre

A new Italian restaurant has opened in the city centre and we were invited by Yelp Glasgow to attend its Grand Opening! I remember it being fun ... at least I'm sure it was ... methinks I boozed up a wee bit too much though, but how could we not when the bar kept practically throwing cocktails and wine at us! I couldn't say no, clearly. ;)

Here are us Yelpers! I'm glad I can make friends with people who share the same passion towards food as I do. We're kinda a nerdy bunch, even though we look like quite the contrary and totes fab.

These were the canapes served all night! The waiters and waitresses kept coming to our table, knowing we'd be excited about devouring everything. I think they like how enthusiastically we sweep everything off the board. 

This was probably 1/3 of the drinks we had that night. I was on my like 7th cocktail or something. NO REGRETS! Everything was delicious btw. The pink one with the strawberry was my absolute FAV. Will definitely go back for some cocktails!

3) Wine tasting at the Scullery

There was also a wine tasting night at a restaurant called the Scullery at Finnieston. I enjoyed that night a lot, not only cause I'm obsessed with drinking wine and I absolutely love trying new bottles but also because again, I got to meet and make new friends, and also try new things! The waiter who was serving us the wines also taught us about where the bottles came from, how old it is, showed us maps and everything. Also brought us aperitif  to have along side the delicious drinks.

Ugh I could eat this all day.

Showing us where the wine in Spain are Portugal are from exactly. They have quite a huge range!

This was my absolute fav. I'm pretty much a white wine drinker, not a big fan of the heavy and strong tasting red wines (or liqueurs for that matter), but when you give me a dessert wine, I'll probably go ape shit cray ecstatic on you. I love dessert wines so much.

And a dessert wine with tradition Spanish pastries to end the night? What more could I ask for?! Too good. I love wine. I love food. Just give me these and I'll be happy forever.

4) Le-Weekend Lunch at Malmaison Glasgow

Starting to realize as I type this that a lot of the events I attend involve a whole lot of alcohol ... but I can safely say that the drinks we consume are delicious and mostly free because money doesn't shoot out of my ass (haha). 

At MalMaison, we had an amazing lunch prepared for us. It was amazing, really. I don't know how to describe the food I ate! It was different and delicious (and I don't say that too often about food in Glasgow). After our feast of incredible food and wine, we continued our day with complimentary cocktails (and a continuous flow of it) in MalBar. :)

I remember my parents staying in MalMaison 2 years ago when I first moved here and it looked nothing like it does now! It's super funky at the moment, and more colourful. You definitely see more people coming to the bar to have some cocktails and catch up sessions. Need to bring the Gian here!

Here's my meal. For starters, I had the Crab Cappuccino which sounds quite confusing but it was so good. It's a soup with foam, kinda like a cappuccino, but the crabby-ness was just ... ugh ... divine. For my main, I had long pasta (can't remember the name and Gian's face of judgement has currently appeared in my mind lol sorry) with truffle and scallops. I'm sorry but this was probably one of the best meals I've ever had in Glasgow. It was ... just ... too good. I don't know else to say it. Complimented with a good white wine, it was just perfect. I also had pistachio creme bulee for dessert which made my shed a tear because I love creme bulee so much and they made it so well. :')

Again with the cocktails?! Yes. The folks at MalMaison let us try everything on the TMIF cocktail menu. I loved their mojito! It was a warm day and the (three) mojito(s) really hit the spot. On Fridays, they have many cocktails for a fiver so I'm definitely bringing Gian there for drinks.

Obsessed with this picture of our Community Manager Briony and the cray Trudie. Drunk cuties hahahaha!

5) Audio Beef: Taco Night with the Mad Chef at Bar Bloc+

I won tickets to this really strange dining experience at the Bar Bloc+. It was basically a taco dinner set in a bar/club with the mad chef cooking in the kitchen while DJ-ing on the dance floor (and they'd stream him in the kitchen cooking too). It was ... so strange. But there are always strange things in Glasgow, and I love it.

The food was pretty dope. He has some interesting combinations! One taco had chocolate and chilli in it, which was probably my favourite because it was spicy but the dark chocolate complimented it super well.

Audio Beef night!

People dancing and having drinks while waiting for our tacos. You can sorta see the kitchen on the projection screen.

A moment captured of me excitedly playing with bubbles and glow sticks.

6) Yelp Event: School of Rock Quiz at Hard Rock Cafe Glasgow

We had an big Yelp event in Hard Rock Cafe Glasgow recently where we got to sample their new line of burgers and also play a School of Rock Quiz! The folk at HRC gave us a presentation about how HRC started, background, about the music, food and all that hoopla. It was interesting to know, especially since my dad is a big fan, so I've been familiar with HRC all my life.

We then proceeded to food, drinks and the quizzes which were relatively simple. :) We also had a tour of the collection of memorabilia the HRC of Glasgow had. Gian was happy to see stuff from Pink Floyd whereas I was too busy laughing at Justin Timberlake's random t-shirt being hung in the restaurant.

Burgers. Lots of burgers. Super yum though! 

Wearing my Yelp Shwag! I look like the You Can Do It lady don't I?


First time I'd actually been inside HRC Glasgow and was pleasantly surprised by it's size and overall memorabilia collection!

7) Eagleshem Beer Festival

The Gian and I took a bus over to Eagleshem to attend their Beer Festival. I have to say that although I did enjoy myself, the weather really didn't help me enjoy it to the fullest. I'd plan to stay for at least 5 hours, but the cold, wind and rain just cut my plans by half. And the mud ... THE MUD ... I'm however pleased with the beer I tried though! I'm not much of a beer person but everything I had, I loved!

Can you see the fat layer of mud? Extremely disappointed with my choice of shoes that day. Totally destroyed my sneakers. I was jealous of the folk who wore rain boots like, daym they smart.

Here's Gian and I trying beer from Franciscan Well. Really liked it because my choice was quite light and sweet. Gian had the more masculine beer (so typical of a man haha). Also really enjoyed the ciders from Thistly Cross Cider! Tried the ginger ale and also the whiskey cider which was by far, my fav.

Yup. Shoes.

8) Yelp Event: Lip Sync War at the Classic Grand

What can I say? We actually had a lip syncing event. Yup. And it was too much fun!!! The level of enthusiasm that Yelpers have is astonishing, seriously. I'm so down with people who know how to have fun in the most unique ways! Many of the Yelpers prepared some top notch choreography to their performances which made me laugh practically the whole night. I was also convinced by Clare and Neil to run up on stage and do an impromptu performance (which scared the shit out of me but ... well wtheck right #yolo). I did Kristin Chenoweth's "Taylor the Latte Boy". Forgot about 75% of the second verse but AH WELL err'one laughed at how funny the song is and had fun which is what matters. Totally did not regret that decision! It was so exciting! :D MORE LIP SYNC BATTLES PLS!

This picture represents the enthusiasm of Yelpers haha. Debs doing a guitar solo to Tenacious D's song, "Tribute".



This month, we have the West End Festival, which isn't an official Yelp thing but I'll be honest, I wouldn't be so excited about it if it weren't for Yelp (I'm one of the WEF Yelp Reporters, which makes me feel special haha). Anyway, the West End Festival itself is class though! So many different activities and events to attend, and a whole lot to look forward to! Here are a few I've already attended (again, in no particular order because you should know me by now ... :p) :

1) Matthew Algie World of Coffee at Penny Black

This was the first time I have ever attended a coffee cupping event and I'm so glad I got free tickets to it! It was hosted by the folk from Matthew Algie at a cafe called Penny Black, and basically the evening was all about the origins of coffee, process of farming, harvesting, extracting and the roasting of coffee, the different types based on genetics and geography, and of course, tasting. We also learned how to taste like the pros (with a lot of slurping and noises from the mouth). Was fun! Especially for me and Gian who are big coffee lovers. I mean, there's seriously much more to it than just your routine daily cuppa joe, and expanding our knowledge on coffee just made us appreciate it even more!

After this event, I'm even more curious about the process of coffee! I really hope I get to attend more events in the near future so I can start differentiating flavours (this applies to wine too!). And sooner or later, I'm gonna have to learn how to work an espresso machine because I need to have this skill

Here's one of the managers from Matthew Algie, presenting some facts about coffee to about 20 of us participants.

The branch in the middle is what coffee looks like before it's being picked! And the beans on the right are what they look like dried up and still with a membrane around it.

This woman is pretty much a professional coffee taster (who's also experienced with wine!). She thought us how to slurp and try to identify the flavours and smells of the coffees.

2) West End Festival Parade Day!

So, I made it a point to go to the West End Festival parade day, and also the arts and crafts market that was in the Kibble Palace in the Botanical Garden, and I'm very much satisfied with my decision to be a part of the celebration. The day was warm and sunny, everyone was in extreme merriment, the market was great (because I got some awesome purchases) and the parade, although small, was so funny to watch! Quite charming to see local clubs and communities prepare costumes and props for the parade!

This picture makes me giggle. I don't know why I find these pears with legs funny.

Preach gurl

Apparently there are many belly dancing academies in Glasgow! There were a lot of belly dancers during the parade itself.

There was also street food being sold and these are cakes from Three Sister's Bake. I have to confess that recently, I've just been obsessed with cakes. I mean, perhaps I've been obsessed with them my whole life (I have a vague memory of eating tons of cupcakes from +wondermilk during my adolescence, and kueh mueh from Bawang Merah courtesy of my equally obsessed mother) but I've come to terms with it this year because every week, I need at least 1 piece of cake. Without it, I'd be mildly irritable and would probably complain a lot to Gian.

I thought this was pretty coohl. The thistles have faces on it!

3) Tea Green Summer Art and Craft Market at the Botanical Garden

This market was in conjunction with the parade (as mentioned earlier) and I really liked it! Especially since it was in a green house. It was something quite special for me (and it was warm inside so it felt like a super summer). There were many stalls of talented artists, jewelers, craftsman etc. I got like 3 plants for 1pound each and jewelry by artists that I've been following for quite some time now (I'm super happy I can support them while owning some dope swag too).


These are earring by Object Company. She's an artists who makes wooden items by hand, including spoons, boards (to serve food on), jewellery etc. Here is the official FB page! Go forth and liketh.

And another artist I've been following for quite some time named Claire Barclay Draws, makes awesome jewelry, brooches, tote bags, cards and general illustrations that are quite relevant to local Glaswegians and those of whom reside in this city. I already purchased "Taps Aff" earrings and the "Beautiful Buckfast" brooch from her before, and added this "Terrific Tennents" to the collection. Love them so much! Click here to check out her Etsy!

4) Love Letters to Glasgow by Chop Pop in Hillhead Library

Chop Pop is an artist from Japan who has an exhibit in the Hillhead Library called Love Letters to Glasgow (until the 28th of June). I'm absolutely in love with her cutout paper artwork! It's such a simple idea and yet she's created them so beautifully! Her artwork is of her favourite places or icons of Glasgow and I think she's done a pretty good job at representing the city through her creativity. Check out her official FB here!

This is probably my favourite from her collection. Only because when I have to think of an image of Glasgow, my mind gravitates towards the Duke of Wellington statue and the cone. I've always been quite fond of it, ever since the first time I came to Glasgow with my family, til the day I dressed up as the statue with Gian (who was the horse) for Halloween last year, up til this day when I have a cuppa coffee outside one of my favourite cafes (Swedish Affar) while occasionally glancing at it and wondering, "Who actually climbs up to put the cone on top his head?". FAB.

5) The Kelpies Come Home at the Botanical Garden

I still haven't seen the life size Kelpies in Falkirk yet (and really should get my ass up there on a sunny day), so the smaller scale statues will have to suffice for now. I genuinely like the statues! I think they were well made. And they complimented the Kibble Palace very much. When I went to go see it, it was a super sunny and warm day, so I had the chance to lay down on the grass and observe people as they stopped to pose with the horses. Great way to people watch (and take a nap too ohoho).



Also, one of the highlights of last month was when a bunch of us went to the Cosmic Garden of Speculation! Dude, that was awesome despite the god-awful weather. The garden is open to the public once a year and I'm so happy I managed to go! It's like a wonderland! Hope I can go again when the weather isn't so gloomy though. Even though it was magnificent and gorgeous, I'm sure it'll be double the beauty when the sun's shining!

Gian and I at the blackhole.

Not so glamorous shot of Nikki and I at the blackhole with many extras in the background.

This landscape architect is a genius! I love everything! It's like a wonderland!


This was quite nice too though I wish there were less people crowding the place.

The landscape was designed by the same man who made the rolling hills in Jupiter Artland! You want to roll on them too right ... not just me ...



And also, Gian surprised me with tickets to Chet Faker's concert in O2 ABC! Amazing. I realized after attending the concert that I haven't been to one since I left Malaysia, which is bullocks and unacceptable. But I'm glad that I my first was Chet Faker's! It was awesome and he's quite a showman despite his chill out, hippy, lack-of-energy persona.

He's a major entertainer and showman. Don't be deceived by his chill out hippy demeanor. Had such a great night! Was super stoked by his live performances with drums and electric guitar! Didn't expect that at all. Yay! Gian is the best for thinking of me and bringing me to the concert. :)



Update: This year's Degree Show is rad as hell! Here are a few snaps from the overall show this year!

Stepping into a kaleidoscope.

In love with this installation!

Everything is always phallic here in the art school.

Anything with creepy heads, I'm a fan of.

Simple yet absolutely gorgeous. I want this on a dress!

Look closely! Combination of paint and embroidery.

This is an interesting exhibit about everyone's experience with sex.

My baba's Hitachi exhibit.

Lollipop body parts which represent current media and music trends (booty and occasional oral sexual activities involving your tongue and other things).

Would totes wear these brooches if they didn't cost money I could use to buy lunches for 3 weeks.



Update againI just officially graduated yesterday. I have a masters in design innovation and I have a piece of paper in Latin with my name on it to prove it!

Oh hey here we are in our Hogwarts robes, clicking pics in the courtyard where Harry Potter learned how to fly his broom. Don't we look fetch? With our red tubes?

Gian and his parents :)

This hall tho

The Spice Girls minus Misha. Miss you Misha! Tim is taking your place in this picture haha.

A couple of nice snaps with the most traditionally dressed men! I kinda felt like I should've worn my baju kurung gashdarnit!

Papa Menini

Famille italianne

The devil and his wee minion.

ABRUPT END. Goodnight.

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